Produced by the honble Coll Wm Digges and read to this
board a Lettr from the Ld Effingham of the 20th of Aprill last
past, to the honble Coll Henry Darnall & him the said Coll
Digges, as also one other Lettr from his said Lsp of the second
of the same moneth to him the said Digges in pticular,
together with Coppy of what the said Coll Digges returned
his Lsp in answer for that prsent, being all as foll (viz)
Lord Effingham's Letter to Col. Darnall and Col. Digges.
It's now neere tenn weekes since Coll Talbott by the cor-
ruption of his guard, made his Escape out of Gloucester Jayle,
of which I then immediately by my Letter advised you, and
for his Majties service desired your most especiall care, that if
Coll Talbott should be fled into Maryland (as by the best
Intelligence reed: had reason to judge he designed) you would
by the authority of your Governmt use all meanes possible for
the retakeing of Coll Talbott, that he might be brought to
Justice, of your readiness to performe that (his Majties service)
you gave me greate assurance, and as assuredly did beleive it,
and from the Intelligence of Coll Talbotts being knowne to be
in the Governmt of Maryland, I did not doubt but long since
to have been ascertained that by the care of your Govermt he
had been retaken, which if he were I cannot doubt but you
would have advised me thereof: And myself and the Councill
being informed by good and credible Intelligence, that Coll
Talbott very lately was at his owne house neere the head of
the Bay in the Governmt of Maryld and had continued there
for some considerable time, and that openly knowne soe to be,
In this I hold my self bound for his Majties service, earnestly to
press my former desires unto you, that noe meanes be unes-
sayed for the retakeing of Coll Talbott; as It's a service due
unto his Majtie from you, soe it requires your vigorous prose-
cution. Therefore gentl I cannot but tell you I admire at any
slow proceedings in service wherein his Majtie is soe concerned,
and hope you will take off all occasions of future trouble both
unto me and you of this nature, by manifesting your selves
zealous for his Majties service, and therein you will rightly and
truely serve my Lord Baltemore.
Herewith goes a Lettr writt neere three weekes since unto
Coll Digges as by the date and direction you may observe,
but by a miscarriage it lay stopt by the way, Its purport is to
acquaint you of a Sloope, taken by the Sloope and men by me
sett out in search after the Pirates in the Bay; The persons
taken are this Generall Court to be proceeded against: There-
fore desire your answer by this messenger, that may know
Lib. R. R. R.
p. 199
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