At a Councill held at the City of St Maries the ffifth Day of
Aprill in the nineth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honble
Charles &ca Annoq Dmi. 1684:
The Rt honble the Lord Propry
Coll Henry Coursey
Coll Henry Darnall
The honble, Coll Wm Digges
The honble Coll Wm Stevens
Majr Nicholas Sewall
Mr John Darnall
His Lspp haveing determined to alter his Conditions of plan-
tation within this Province and caused Proclamation to be
accordingly drawne, was pleased to Communicate the same to
his Councill for their approbation, which being read & heard
was approoved of and consented to by the whole board prsent
and is as foll. viz.