Spitefull Toad (her said Lady shipp meaneing) gave her, and
further these Depts say not.
Jurat coram me die et Anno prdict.
the mark of
Wm Digges William x Simpson
the mark of
Mary + Simpson
Command was then given to the Sheriff of St Maries
County to take good and Sufficient Security of Thomas Car-
vile then in his custody for his good abeareance and appeare-
ance at the next Provinciall Court before his Lspps Justices
there to answer unto such thinges as should then and there be
objected agt him in behalf of his Lspp the Rt honble the Lord
Propry of this Province.
At a Councill held at Battle Towne the 13th Day of ffebru-
ary Anno Dmi: 1683:
The Rt honble the Lord Propry
Coll Thomas Tailler
The honble Coll Henry Darnall
Coll William Burges
The honble Majr Nicholas Sewall
Recd p ordr of this board the severall Depositions against
Robert Carvile as also the Deposition of William Simpson
and Mary his wife against Thomas Carvile, ordered that they
be all delivered to his Lspps Attorney Generall to prosecute, and
that Thomas Carvile be first brought to his tryall.