Considerations upon two sheets Signed by William Penn
Proprietary and Gouernor of Pensiluania. Entituled [An
Answer to a demand made to Nicholas Moore as my Deputy
By Coll George Talbott the 24th of September 1683. In pur-
suance of a Comission from Baltemore Proprietary of Mary-
land, and Avalon, dated the 17th of the same month] The
same being sent under a couer with a direction to the Lord
Baltemore; But not vnder any Seale; Therefore (as is sup-
posed) sent for any mans perusal.
Imprs And first of all Propr Penn beginns with Coll
Talbots Comission, Expressing himselfe, that [It seemed very
slight abrupt, and vnpresidented, that a Propr of a Countrey
should send to another in the same Circumstances, any Extra-
ordinary Messenger, agent, or Comissioner without some
Letter or Memorial to State the demand with the reasons of
it.] A Practice amongst the greatest Princes (as he tells us)
and therefore expected by him. It is ownd to be a Practice
amongst great Princes, and perhaps, the L: B. had paid the
respect, which we are Informed by Mr Penn to be his due, had
not his Lopp (as Propr Penn very well knowes) been under
some Promise, that he would not trouble him with any more
writeing vntill he had first purged, and fully cleer'd himselfe of
some black crimes Mr Penn in his last letters, had charged
him with. Besides Gouernr Penn had not soe much reason to
expect any Memorial to State the demand with the reasons
for it, if he please to call to his Memory the discourses the L:
B had with him the 29th and 30th of May last, at New Castle,
or did but looke ouer the letters, that have past betwixt them
since; By which it does Euidently appeare the L: B: made his
demand to Mr Penn and that the reasons had bin discourst
when they were both together at New Castle; As by Propr
Penns Letter to his Lopp of the 30th of this third month May,
appeare; wherein he vses these Expressions: [Haveing upon
serious thoughts determined with my Selfe to Embarque for
England by the first Conueniency, if the L: B is not pleased to
receive any of the former proposealls, much more if he should
Continue to think of any claime to any of these Lower Coun-
ties]: Soe that it plainely appeares by the said letter Mr Penn
had received soe much disturbance in his mind upon the
claime made by his Loppt the Lower parts of Delaware, that
he Ciuilly threatned my Lord to make a Voyadge Speedily for
England: And againe by his Letter, of the 9th June, where he
writes thus [To the L: B: Proposalls of Exchanging or accomo-
dateing me with yet a larger Inlet then I desired at the head
of the Bay, if I will but resigne his Intrest Vpon Delaware, I
can only make this Answer &ca] Which passages, with many
others, Sufficiently makes it out the L: B: and Gouernor Penn