edge of the quality, they may rest assured of being allowed in
full proportion to what we give others, which is very high.
We shall be glad to receive your answer as soon as possible
Mr. Michael Earle. We are &c.
[Wm. Johnson to Jenifer.]
Sir, Pitts Point January 25th 1777.
Inclosed I have sent you a pattern of some light canvas,
which I look upon to be very fit for tents, if you think it will
suit for that purpose and are in want. I can furnish you with
about 833 yards at 7/ per yard. You'l please let me know
per first opportunity if you want it, and in that case please
send the cash, or an order to Mr Hopkins to give it me.
I am Sir Your most obedt Servt
William Johnson.
The Honble Danl of St. Thos Jenifer
in Annapolis
N. B. It will take about 20 yds. to walled tent & 17 1/2
without walls.
[Charge against Henry Guyton.]
Baltimore County ss.
The deposition of George Brown aged above twenty one,
taken in committee chamber this eighteenth day of November
1776, being duly sworn on the Holy Evangeles of Almighty
God; deposeth and saith that some time in October last the
said George went to a certain Henry Guyton of Baltimore
County to purchase cattle at a public vendue which said
vendue was held on cattle that was destrained by Capt. James
Bosley for a fine that was levied on said Henry by Baltimore
Committee for being a non associator and refusing to pay his
fine according to a resolve of Convention in such cases lately
made and provided. That the said George did purchase at
the said vendue one steer and one Heifer for four pounds
eleven shillings he being the highest bidder, that the said
Henry granted him liberty to let the cattle remain on the
premises untill it would be convenient for him to take them
away; That on Monday last he the said George went for his
cattle and the said Henry came up to him in a great rage and
singing a hymn (he being one of the people called methodists)
and began to pull off his coat and said if said George was a
man he would fight him, before he should have the cattle and
the said George said he would have his property before he left
the Plantation, and the said Henry instantly sent for eight
white men, and one negro to prevent the said George taking