C. S. C.
[Thos. Johnson, Jr., to Council.]
Gent. Philadelphia 21st Jany 1777.
Charles Balsel, captain of a company in Jas. Johnson's
Battalion, being an officer in the German Battalion, commis-
sions are desired for John Martin Deer Capt. Abm. Miller
Ist Lieut. Christian Lafever 2nd Lieut and Henry Woolhite
Ensign. In James Ogle's company in the same Battalion
commissions are wanted for Ignatius Elder as 2nd Lieut, and
Francis Elder Ensign.
I do not yet see any officer from our State to recruit, I
obtained a general order against the enlistment of our militia,
notwithstanding which several were enlisted, some of whom I
have got back again, but I do not know how it will be when I
get further. James Johnson's Battalion, part of Colo Beatty's
and part of Colo Bruce's have gone forward for Head Quarters.
We are armed very slowly, it is out of my power to keep our
people together, too many of them have been home. The
Maryland Flying Camp arms and accoutrements are Delivered
out to the Pennsylvania Militia and repairing I have received
none as a part of ours. We have nothing of consequence
that can be depended on. I am, Gent,
Your most obedt Servt
The Honble Council of Safety Thos Johnson Junr
of Maryland
[Gerard Hopkins to Council.]
Gentlemen. Baltimore 21st Jany 1777.
Yours of the 10th Inst. I received yesterday. The Ticklen-
berg which you mention of Messrs Vanbibber and Crockett
having, was disposed of before I received orders to purchase
it. The tents can be immediately made, provided the linnen
can be got. I am, Gent, Your most humbl Servt
The Honble The Council of Gerard Hopkins, sen Rd
Safety, Annapolis
C. S. J.
Wednesday, January 22. 1777.
Council met. Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Mr
John Bullen twenty five Pounds nineteen Shillings and seven
Pence: Also the further Sum of One hundred Pounds.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver Captain
Paddison 50 Bushels of Salt for Col. Robert Harrison.
Copy of Letter No 121 was sent to William Hindman
Esquire, Copy of No 122 to Col, Robert Harrison, and Copy