C. S. C.
wrote to Capt Smith, and request you would with his assist-
ance inquire into the affair and see that the peace is pre-
served. If Keener be guilty of any offence, let him be prose-
cuted according to law, and the resolves of Congress and Con-
vention. We must observe once for all that mobbing men of
doubtful principles is not the way to gain friends to the cause
of America. This is the same person we wrote you about in
our first letter (whose case was referred to a special Com-
mittee) but no answer given on account of the hurry and con-
fusion Baltimore Town was then in by congress removing from
Surely Gent, it is in your power with the assistance of Capt
Smith to put a stop to such riotous and irregular proceedings.
We have considered the deposition transmitted us against
John Ross and desire you would direct him to attend our
Board according to the condition of his bond on Monday the
27th instant. What you tell us of the people framing a peti-
tion to Lord Howe and the Riots complained of in Baltimore
Town have induced the Council of Safety to pass an order, a
copy of which is inclosed to you and to each of the Captains
James Calhoun Esq chairman We are &c
Committee Observn for Balt. Town.
[John Smith, Jr., to Council.]
Gentlemen. Baltimore 18th Jany 1777.
My brother who is just returned from Annapolis informs
me that you have occasion for and want to purchase a vessell.
I lately bought a Snow which I would be willing to part with,
it not being in my power to put her into the trade I at that
time intended. She is English built and will carry about
1500 Bbls Flour. She is exceeding well found and will want
scarce any repairs. An inventory I now inclose you. She
cost me at public Sale £1720, for which price you may have
her allowing me the commission you give to those who pur-
chase Ships for you. I will be much obliged for your answer
pr Mr Sterret who carries this, or sooner if possible and am,
Your Obedt Servant
John Smith Junr
To The Honble The Council of Safety
Inventory of the Snow George, viz.
Hull, masts, yards, Bowsprit, standing and running Riggen,
One Boat, Two bower and one kedge Anchors and one Grap-
lin Two Bower Cables, Two Hawsers, Two fore Top Sails,