574 Index to Names of Persons and Places.
Johnson, Thomas, 6, 14, 15, 22, 33, 35,
Kenney, Daniel, 224.
37, 54. 56. 65, 68, 78, 79, 115, 125,
Kent County, 78, 79, 243, 273, 365, 378,
128, 187, 196, 204, 205, 207, 213, 217,
421, 426, 477, 480, 495, 551.
225, 227, 231, 232, 234, 236, 238-241,
Kent, Emanuel, 285.
258, 260, 263, 294, 313, 318, 323, 351,
Kent Island, 120.
352, 354, 360, .365, 375, 378, 399, 400,
Kent, James, 120, 274, 417.
413, 417, 420, 425, 445, 450, 453, 460,
Kent, John, 294.
48i> 490, 540- 552
Kerr, David, 198.
Johnson, William, 76, 85, 146, 147, 163,
Kersey, Henry, 554.
261, 373, 377, 4or.
Keser, Stophel, 348.
Johnson (vessel), 305.
Kilgour, William, 346.
Johnson (galley), 244, 321.
Kiltie (Kelty), John, 49, 51, 52, 53, 55,
Johnson's Ferry, 366, 370.
67, 174, 175, 193, 195, 247, 250, 279,
Johnston, G., 208.
281, 296, 298, 303, 369, 424.
Jolley, John, 129, 149.
King, Benjamin, 226, 259, 298, 299, 320,
Jones, Benjamin, 73, 173.
Jones, Capt, 170, 180, 181.
King, Capt., 372.
Jones, Charles, 275, 529.
King, Francis, 497.
Jones, James, 545.
King, James, 140.
Jones, Jarson, 525.
King, John, 74 399, 424, 430, 438, 465.
Jones, Jesse, 350.
King, Nehemiah, 457.
Jones, John, 283, 350, 381, 382.
King, Richard, 346.
Jones, John Courts, 552.
King, Robert Jenkins, 381.
Jones, Philip, 73.
King, Thomas, 381, 432.
Jones, Richard, 379.
Kinton, Solomon, 294.
Jones, Robinson, 350.
Kirk, Thomas, 373.
Jones, Thomas, 206, 220, 277, 283, 300,
Kirkland, Robert, 533.
328, 330, 348, 384, 387.
Klein, Jacob, 435.
Jones, William, 422.
Knight, John Leach, 274.
Joppa, 280.
Kraner, Michael, 120.
Jordan, Charles, 345.
Kurtz (Kirts), Peter, 297, 373.
Jordan, Jeremiah, 209, 345.
Jordan, Josiah, 313.
Lackland, James, 373.
Judah, William, 257, 259, 308, 310, 314,
Lafever (Lasever), Christian, 36, 54, 68,
3i5. 324. 325. 362, 387. 4'3- 4'8, 437.
1 06.
463. 477, 478- 485, 492, 545-
Lafield, George, 351.
Juet, Nathaniel, 381.
Lamar, William, 135.
Juniata, 89.
Lamberron, John, 245.
Lancaster, 38, 40, 213, 241, 376.
Karn, John, 36.
Lane, Samuel, 263.
Kean (Kane), John, 54, 184.
Langford, Levi, 197, 200.
Keener, Melchior, 58, 59, 60.
Langley, Joseph, 346.
Keener, Peter, 377, 406.
Lansdale, Thomas, 167, 541, 546.
Keener, Rev., 120.
Larey, James, 32,80, 118.
Keeports, George, 394, 403, 437, 492.
Larkin (Larkens), Dennis, 62, 166, 408.
Keeoorts. Georee P., d.66, S4Q.
Lauder. Francis, 326.
Kellam, Edward, 457.
Lawes, James, 350.
Kelley, Timothy, 62.
Lawrence, Levin, 72, 254, 307, 321, 396,
Kelly, Matthew, 74.
Kelly, Nicholas, 348.
Lawrence, Richard, 474.
Kelly, William, 348.
Lawson, Alexander, 117, 326.
Kelty, William, 384.
Layfield, Isaac, 351, 429.
Kempner's Mills, 444.
Layfield, William, 245.
Kemp's Landing, 317, 318.
Laypole, John, 376, 432, 465.
Kennedy, Benjamin, 289.
Lebessues, John, 166.
Kennedy, Dr., 241.
Lee, George, 273.
Kennedy, Mrs., 289.
Lee, Richard H., 499.
Kennedy, William, 498.
Lee, Thomas Sim, 104, 113, 189, 226,
Kennel's Square, 370.
236, 257, 270, 271, 297, 303. 309, 318,