and are of Opinion it would be well to send a Company from
above, to be stationed with you as well as a Galley. How-
ever Sir as the Assembly can and will, we dare say, advise, we
shall chearfully execute the Measures they may think best for
your Security. The Lead and Ball of Mr Jackson & Com-
pany, which you mention, is very desirable and unless you are
pretty well provided, we would have you purchase it. the
Price proposed is very high; the last Lead sold that we have
heard of was at 2/6 which we thought dear enough, but if you
are likely to want, you must submit to give even the 5/. We
should be glad the Goods you have purchased were sent for-
ward; the Treasury is not now able to pay for them but we
hope to be able soon to take up your Certificates and prevent
any Disappointment. If Mr Jackson could wait a while for
the Money, for the fine Goods and you could contrive us
Samples and the Prices, it is likely we should Purchase them
for our Officers. We are &ca
Colo George Dashiell
C. C.