been inlisted by any other of the Recruiting Officers specially
appointed for that Purpose and yet remain at Cambridge,
whether inlisted for the 2d or any other Regt We are desirous
of having them over as they may be cloathed, their Provisions
regularly issued and they instructed in the Military Exercise.
If the Officers of any of the Regiments, for which Recruits
have been raised, have already received the Recruits, we do
not desire such to be sent to us. We should be well pleased
to let the three old Men you mention off, upon the young
Men's inlisting, if we could be satisfied that they were not
some of the Principals in the late Insurrections, but without
being well satisfied of it, we do not incline to release them on
any Terms. We are &ca
Mr John Chalmers.
C. C.
Saturday 21st February 1778
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Colo
Stones Recruits, as fast as raised one pair Shoes and Stock-
ings two Shirts, one Coat waistcoat and pair of Breeches, by
Colo Stones order
Monday 23d February 1778.
Present as on Saturday except James Brice
It appearing that a Boat and Sundry Things in her Part of
those mentioned in a List lodged by William Black of Vir-
ginia taken by Joseph Middleton & others from Hughes and
another Person, presuming the same belonged to the Enemy
were truly the property of the said William Black & that the
Sum of £50 or thereabouts in the Hands of Major Fulford
taken from the Persons on board the said Boat was the pro-
duce of the Effects of the said William Black, sold by them
It is therefore Ordered that the said Boat Money and Effects
be delivered to William Black Junr son of the aforesaid William
Black according to his request in his Letter of the 23d Day of
January last.
Joseph McClane a Soldier in Colo Griffiths Regiment was
taken at Fort Washington the 16th Novembr 1776 and returned
the 20th March 1777 having received his pay to the 20th
December 1776 being entitled to his Pay to the Time of his
return by the Certificate of his Capt. There being no board
of Auditors to pass the Account in the usual Manner and it
appearing that the Claim is just It is therefore Ordered that
the western shore Treasurer pay to the said Joseph McClane
seven Pounds ten Shillings due him for three Months pay
C. B.