Valley Forge 18 February, 1778
Friends, Countrymen, and Fellow Citizens.
After three campaigns, during which the brave subjects of
these States have contended, not unsuccessfully, with one of
the most powerful kingdoms upon earth, we now find our-
selves at least upon a level with our opponents; and there is
the best reason to believe, that efforts adequate to the abilities
of this country would enable us speedily to conclude the war,
and to secure the invaluable blessings of peace, liberty, and
safety. With this view, it is in contemplation, at the opening
of the next campaign, to assemble a force sufficient, not barely
to cover the country from a repetition of those depredations
which it hath already suffered, but also to operate offensively,
and to strike some decisive blow.
In the prosecution of this object, it is to be feared that so
large an army may suffer from the want of provisions. The
distance between this and the eastern States, whence consid-
erable supplies of flesh have been hitherto drawn, will neces-
sarily render those supplies extremely precarious. And unless
the virtuous yeomanry of the States of New Jersey, Pennsyl-
vania, Maryland, and Virginia will exert themselves to prepare
cattle for the use of the army, during the months of May,
June, and July next, great difficulties may arise in the course
of the campaign. It is therefore recommended to the inhabi-
tants of those States, to put up and feed immediately as many
of their stock cattle as they can spare, so as that they may be
driven to the army within that period. A bountiful price will
be given, and the proprietors may assure themselves, that
they will render a most essential service to the illustrious
cause of their country, and contribute in a great degree to
shorten this bloody contest. But should there be any so
insensible to the common interest, as not to exert themselves
upon these generous principles, the private interest of those,
whose situation makes them liable to become immediate sub-
jects to the enemy's incursions, should prompt them at least to
a measure, which is calculated to save their property from
plunder, their families from insult, and their own persons from
abuse, hopeless confinement, or perhaps a violent death.
C. C.