here by way of Norfolk. There being so many persons inter-
ested in the powder and other cargo on board that vessel, I
conceived it would be very difficult to settle the loss, unless
every thing was brought here.
Should that not be agreeable to you, I can yet give orders
to have the whole of the Powder sold there.
I am, Gentlemen,
Your most obedt Humbl Servt
John Crockett
The Honble Council of Safety
[Jesse Hollingsworth to Council.]
Sirs. Baltimore January 13th 1777.
I shall have the Ship Liddie delivered to mee to morer at
£4400 Pounds. I think shee is a bargin, and that I should
bee very glad, if Capt. Celty could bee aquainted with it, as
hee promist hee would go out in her, if the Counsill of Saftey
got her. Pleas aquaint him by first opertunity, or by expres,
as there must bee god men got for her emedetly and I think
him fit for that task. Pleas send by him a sum of money fit
for her purchase and cargo. I shall prepare for her Tobaco,
flour and Bread, but want your more perticuler orders, how
much of eether. from your Humble Servt
Jesse Hollingsworth.
Honble Counsill of Saftey, Anopolis
[John Hanson, Jr., to Jenifer.]
Sir. Frederick Town January 14th 1777.
The Bearer hereof Lawrence Myers was a first Sergeant in
a company of the late Flying Camp, and as such I presume
you will find him mentioned in Colo Griffith's list of the officers
of the Battalion. He now waits on your Honble Board in
hopes of promotion, and from the character I have had of him
from several of the officers, I think he deserves it.
I am with great Esteem & Regard
Sir, Your most Humbl Servant
John Hanson Jr
The Honble Danl of St. Thos. Jenifer Esq.
President of the Council of
Safety, Annapolis
[Council to Harrison.]
Sir. 14. Jany 1777
This State is in great want of Beef to salt up for the army
& you can purchase a quantity we will upon the first notice
C. S. C.