[Council to E. Forman.]
Annapolis Jany 29th 1778.
Your Favors of the 12th & 25th Jany we received by Express
and are happy to find that you have made so good a Collec-
tion. The Army are in great and immediate Want of it, must
therefore request you to have the Cloth and Linen collected
by yourself and Mr Bolton, made up into such Cloathing as
will best answer for the Soldiers and as speedily as possible.
The Purchasers of Cloathing in Queen Anns and some other
Counties are directed to send the several Articles collected by
them, to your Care, which you will please also to have made
up, the whole to be sent forward as speedily as possible to
General Smallwood, transmitting here an Account of the
Whole as quickly afterwards as may be. Any Monies
advanced by you for the Use of the State shall be paid, upon
producing your Accounts. Colo Richard Lloyd has Orders
from the Governor for the Kettles, to whom they are to be
delivered; we know not what passed between his Excellency
and Colo Chambers upon this Subject We are &ca
Ezekiel Forman Esqr