C. C.
necessary; and I am in hopes with what he will receive from
you, there will be, a sufficient quantity for the present Demand.
I am sensible of the low State of our own Treasury and I
believe I may assure you with truth, that the Continental
Treasury here is in a much worse situation. However we
have procured a Warrant on Thos Harwood Esqr commis-
sioner of the continental loan office for the State of Maryland
for twenty thousand dollars, drawn in your favour for the pur-
pose of recruiting the Army.
The Situation of our Army is truly alarming and unless we
can supply it with provisions by some means more effectual
than any now adopted, I am afraid they must separate, a
Committee is now out for that purpose
The Army is to under go a Reformation Mr Carroll was
one of the members of Congress appointed on that Business,
but the indisposition of Mrs Carrol called him home, the other
Gentlemen that were appointed are now at Camp.
Congress have at length agreed upon the just and equitable
Doctrine of Retaliation, which you may see by the enclosed
We have no news, make my respects to the Council and
believe me to be Sir
With great respect your very hble
Servt J. Henry Junr
C. B.
Wednesday 28 January 1778.
Present as on yesterday
Commission of Letter of Marque and Reprisal issued to John
Rogers Master of the Schooner called the General Smallwood
mounting four Carriage Guns navigated by 10 Men belong-
ing to the State of Maryland & dated 20 Octr 1777.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Lieut
Phillip Casson three hundred and seventy three pounds three
Shillings and four pence due his Compy whilst in actual Ser-
vice per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Mr Downes four hundred
and eighty two pounds, seven shillings and three Pence half
penny per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Johnson one hundred
and sixty eight pounds fifteen shillings for 9 Months Salary as
Auditor of Accounts at £225 per annum per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Major James Tootle eighty
six pounds nine shillings and eight pence per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Doctr Richard Burgess
twenty nine pounds for 58 Days Service as Surgeons Mate to
Colo Marbury's Battalion of Militia whilst in actual Service