Friday 23d January 1778
Present as on yesterday except Thomas Sim Lee Esq.
Captain Maybury is requested to deliver to Captain Con-
way the spikes that were on board the Defence for the Sloop
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to Captain
David 38 pair Trousers, 38 pair Stockings, 38 Shirts, 40 yds
white linen and 6 Hatts.
That the said Commissary of Stores deliver to Adjutant
Edgerly one pair Shoes and one Blanket on Account of the
second Regiment
That the said Commissary of Stores deliver to Capt Walker
15 pair of Shoes, 10 pair Hose, 10 Hats, 35 yds Check
Woollen for Breeches for 18 men and 6 yards white Swan-
That the said Commissary of Stores deliver to Captain
Conway one and a half yards Swanskin.
That the Commissary of Provisions deliver to Captain
David 4 Barrels Pork 7 Barrels of Bread and 30 lb Candles
for the Ship Lydia in Poto 5 Barrels Bread, 5 Barrels Beef and
3 Barrels Pork for the Galley Conqueror
Saturday 24 January 1778
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the Commissary of Stores deliver to William
Courts and Adjutant Edgerly, Everlasting for 2 pr Breeches,
Swanskin for 2 Waistcoats, 7 yards Linen with Trimmings for
the Breeches & Waistcoats to be charged to them of the
2d Regiment
That the said Commissary of Stores deliver to Captain
Campbell 17 Blankets for his Company.
That Major Fulford deliver to James Williams 30 Balls for
a three pounder to be replaced within a Month.
Commission of Letter of Marque and Reprisal issued to
Thomas Robinson Master of the Schooner Boat called the
Adventure mounting 1 Howitz & 2 Blunderbusses navigated
by 7 Men belonging to James Williams & others dated 20th
October last.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt.
Rogers two hundred and thirty seven pounds, fourteen shil-
lings and six pence due to the General Smallwood's Crew
per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Chalmers fifty five
Pounds, fifteen shillings and eight Pence due the Guard at
Cambridge per Account passed
C. B.