[Gov. Johnson to C. Beatty.]
Annapolis 31st Decr 1777.
I received yours this Morning by Mr Faw. Colo Lloyd &
Mr Brice are of Opinion with me, that no other Method can
be taken to have an immediate Effect but by calling on the
Militia, 'til we can get a Guard of about 60 Men, if the other
Prisoners should not come. This Guard, we suppose, will be
sufficient for the Prisoners and also for the Magazine; where-
fore we request that you will, immediately endeavour to have
such a Guard raised under a Captain and two Lieuts If good
Officers of the Militia will serve, the better. The Guard to
be inrolled for the Purpose of Guards in Frederick County or
to go with Prisoners for the safe conducting them to either of
the adjacent Counties only, the Time the Engagement to be
for six Months, if they should be so long necessary, or, if the
People will not engage for so long a Time, for such shorter
Time as they will agree; The Guard will be entitled to Con-
tinental Pay and Rations. Mr Faw says he is afraid that the
Men will not inroll without a Bounty. I have no Power to
give any, but, what perhaps, may nearly answer the Purpose,
we send, by Mr Faw, two hundred Pounds and would have
you, when you think it may be safely done, to advance a
Month's Pay. I will represent the Matter to the Assembly
and endeavour to get them allowed a Bounty of five Dollars
and I am so well satisfied of the Necessity of a good Guard
that, if the Men cannot be got without a small Bounty, that I
think it will be better for the Inhabitants to advance it, I will
give forty Dollars towards it myself. I am anxious to get the
Powder out of your Town, I think it endangers the Life of
every Inhabitant of it. Two Companies of Matrosses being
ordered to Camp has made it impossible to send a Guard
from hence, as I once intended, but the Expence of getting a
small Guard for the new Magazine, be almost what it will, 'til
you get your Guard Company inrolled, I beg you will imme-
diately have the Powder removed. If you have more public
Arms finished than will be necessary for your Guard, it will
be prudent to put them into the Hands of such of the Inhabi-
tants of your Town, as you can best rely on for taking Care
of & using them on a proper Occasion. I am &ca
Charles Reatty Esqr
Lt of Fredk County
C. C.