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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 446   View pdf image (33K)
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446 Journal and Correspondence

C. H.

That the said Treasurer pay to John Curry six Pounds due
to Andrew Hickman and six Pounds due to Robert Hart per

Accounts passed

C. C.


[Council to Dr. Gale.]

In Council 24th Decr 1777.
Mr Samuel Gerock brought down an Account of the Hos-
pital at Baltimore which, though it may be very just, is more
than we expected it would have amounted to. Possibly
it may be, in some Measure, owing to People's remaining
there who might be returned to their Duty or of others who
are not likely to be fit for Duty. We therefore request you'll
send us a List of those who are in the Hospital, noting what
Service they belong to, and whether they are likely to be again
fit for Service. We are &ca
To Doctr Gale, Baltimore.


[Council to J. Nicholson and others.]

In Council 24th Decr 1777.
We inclose you a Copy of a Resolution of the General
Assembly and, in Consequence of it, an Appointment to
adjust and settle the Militia Accounts, which, we flatter our-
selves, you will take the Trouble to execute, as it will con-
tribute greatly to the Ease and Convenience of the Claimants,
who have deserved well of their Country. Nothing very
material occurs to us at present but to request you'll make
no Allowance to any of the Militia who deserted or came away
before their Time had expired, without Leave, and that you
will preserve and transmit to us, all the Accounts and Vouch-
ers that this State may have due Credit in our Account with
the Continent. If any Difficulties should arise, on its being
proposed, we shall be ready to give you our Sentiments
thereon. We are Gent &ca
To Joseph Nicholson
William Geddis & Esqrs
Donaldson Yeates


[Council to H. Stevenson.]

Annapolis 24th Decr 1777.
George Somervill has made repeated Applications for a
Discharge from his Imprisonment. The Motive of committing
him was the Security of the Public. The Gentlemen of the

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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 446   View pdf image (33K)
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