438 Journal and Correspondence
C. B.
his Expences to Port Tobacco with Arms, and Ammunition
per Account passed the Board.
That the said Treasurer pay to Robert Reed one hundred
and forty five pounds fifteen Shillings and three pence due to
him per Acct passd and also the further Sum of fifty nine
Pounds, twelve Shillings and six pence to be delivered over to
Daniel Fisher due to him per Acct passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Mills one Pound eleven
shillings and Six pence due to him per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. Vachel Gaither, fifty
eight Pounds eleven Shillings and seven Pence due to himself
and Company whilst in actual Service and the further Sum of
Three Pounds, ninteen Shillings due to part of his Company
whilst in actual Service per Accots passed.
Pardons granted to negroe's Daphne Simena the Slaves of
Hannah Hall of Harford County condemned at Harford Augt
Court for Burgly
C. C.
[Council to C. Rumsey.]
In Council 19th Decr 1777.
Englehart Yeiser has exhibited to us a Complaint, on Oath,
against Thomas Higgins of Cecil County, for his forcibly and
riotously seizing and putting him under a Guard by Violence
with armed Men and taking from his Servants a Number of
Cattle as they were driving to Baltimore. Outrages of this
Kind, if suffered to be permitted with Impunity, will produce
the most serious Consequences and are therefore not to be
tolerated. We request that you will immediately with a Guard,
if necessary send Thomas Higgins before us; that Enquiry
may be made into the above mentioned Complaint.
To Charles Rumsey Esqr We are &ca
Lt of Cecil County.
C. B.
Saturday 20th December 1777
Present as on yesterday
Ordered that the western shore Treasurer pay to John
King ninteen Pounds, three shillings and nine pence and also
the further sum of five Pounds and two pence due on Accounts
passed by the Board of Accounts.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Athena-
sius Ford eleven pounds two Shillings and four pence due to
a party of Saint Marys County Militia commanded by John
Greenwell Junr for the use of the said Party.
That the said Treasurer pay to Samuel Sadler six Pounds,
two Shillings and Six pence due on Account passed.