C. C.
[Council to N. Smith.]
In Council Annapolis 15th Decr 1777.
We are informed that two or three Hessian Prisoners who
came thither with the Hessian Officers, are at large in Balti-
more Town, and no particular Person answerable for their
forth coming. We request that you will make Enquiry and,
if the Fact is so, and any of those who were brought by Mr
Lemmon, are returned because of their Refusal to go to the
Salt Works, you will return with them the two or three first
mentioned or if, as we wish, the Hessians should go to the
Salt Works, then we desire the two or three who are at large
may be sent by the first Opportunity, to Colo Grub, unless
they can give good security to appear at Baltimore whenever
called on. We are Sir &ca
Majr Nathl Smith.