432 Journal and Correspondence
C. C.
take the Command of the Prince George's County Militia.
This Request is occasioned by the Uncertainty we are under
whether the Lieutenant of that County has received his Com-
mission, very lately issued and the great Probability of his
being much indisposed at Present. The scene of your Action
will be so remote from us, that we shall not have it in our
Power to assist you with our Advice, when you may require
it. We therefore refer you to Mr Stone, who will readily give
you any Aid in his Power. Should unforeseen Difficulties
render it necessary, let us hear from you occasionally by
Francis Ware Esqr We are Sir &ca
Lt of Charles County
[Council to T. Stone.]
In Council Annapolis Tuesday Morning Decr 9th 1777.
His Excellency being absent, we received your Letter of
yesterday morning and, in Consequence thereof, have sent a
Waggon under the Guard of a commissioned Officer & 5
Privates laden with Arms &ca as undermentioned. Inclosed is
a Letter to Colo Ware, whom we have referred to you for
Advice, if he should be under any Difficulties, which he could
not receive from us, at the Distance we are from him, on
Business that may require an immediate Determination.
Honble Thomas Stone Esqr We are Sir &ca
60 Musquets with Bayonets
47 Cartridge Boxes with fix'd Ammunition
43 Bayonet Belts
250 Flints
C. B.
Wednesday 10 December 1777.
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the Western shore Treasurer pay to Levin
Wilson three pounds, five shillings to be paid over to Thomas
King, Three pounds eleven Shillings to be paid over to
Henry Jackson and twelve Shillings and six pence to be paid
over to Robert Matthews due them on Accounts passed the
That the said Treasurer pay to John Laypole two hundred
and eight pounds two shillings and six pence and the further
Sum of Sixty four pounds eight shillings per Account passed
the Board.