C. C.
[Council to Thomas Todd.]
In Council 28th Novr 1777.
As we understand you do not intend to hold your Commis-
sion of Lieut in the Matrosses longer than the third Day of
next Month, we think it proper to notify to you that you are
not to consider yourself as an Officer, after your Receipt of
this, for it can answer no Purpose to serve for a few Days
only, and we shall take the first Opportunity we have, to
appoint an Officer to our Satisfaction. We are Sir &ca
Lieut Thos Todd.
C. B.
Saturday 29 November 1777.
Present as on yesterday except Col Lloyd.
Mr Maxwell from the House of Delegates delivers to the
Council the following Resolve.
In the House of Delegates November 29, 1777.
On reading and considering the Report of the Committee
on the memorial of Robert Anderson, Resolved That the
Governor and the Council be empowered to appoint a dis-
creet Person or Persons to enquire into the State of the Sails
at the Time of the Seizure, and the Damage done to them
thereby; and that upon an Estimate returned from the Per-
sons appointed as aforesaid, the Governor and the Council
draw upon either of the Treasurers for such Sum of money
as may be necessary to make Compensation for the Damage
By order G Duvall Cl Ho. Del.
which said Resolve was thus endorsed. By the Senate Novr
29, 1777. Read and assented to By order A C Hanson
Cl. Sen.
Commission issued to John Dennis, John Selby, Nehemiah
Holland, Ebenezer Handy, Thomas Purnell Sinepuxent, Wil-
liam Hopewell, James Selby, Joshua Townsend, Nathl Miller,
John Purnell Robins, James Postley, Josiah Mitchell, John Pur-