426 Journal and Correspondence
C. B.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Green four Pounds,
seven Shillings amount of Account passed the Board.
That the said Treasurer pay to Richard Scott six pounds
Per Acct passed the Board.
Mr John Brice from the House of Delegates deliver to the
Council several Resolutions of the General Assembly relating
to the Treasury.
Thursday 27 November 1777.
Pt as on yesty
John Allen Thomas for
Saint Mary's County
Daniel Jenifer
Joseph Wilkinson
David Craufurd
Prince Georges
James Tootle
Ann Arundel
William Deakins
Abraham Faw
James Calhoun
Richard Dallam
Richard Davis
Joseph Gilpin
Ezekiel Forman
Arthur Emory
Queen Anns
James Hindman
William Wheatley
John Ennalls
George Dashiell
Somerset and
Joseph Dashiell
are appointed Collectors of Cloathing agreeable to the Act of
the present Session of Assembly, intitled "An Act to procure
Cloathing for the Quota of this State of the American Army."
All Goods collected in Saint Mary's, Charles, Calvert,
Prince Georges, and Ann Arundel Counties to be delivered
at the City of Annapolis.
Montgomery, Frederick and Washington Counties at Fred-
erick Town.
Baltimore and Harford Counties at Baltimore Town, Cecil
County at the Head of Elk. Kent, Queen Ann's and Talbot
Counties at Chester Town. Caroline, Dorchester, Somerset
and Worcester Counties at Cambridge.
Prices to be given by the Purchasers of Cloathing are lim-
itted by the Governor and Council not to exceed
For a Blanket £3 a pr of Shoes 30/ a pr of Stock-
ings 30/. a Hatt 30/. coarse woollens payd fit for Soldiers
Coats Jackets or Breeches 3/4 wide 50/. and so according to