State, you are to go with the three Gallies, into their Neigh-
bourhood and choose the best situation you can for the Safety
of the Gallies and to cut off the Tenders. If you find any
Persons carrying on a Correspondence with the Enemy,
secure such and their Vessels if you can, and assist the Opera-
tions of the Militia all in your Power, against the Enemy, or
in securing those who may be suspected of corresponding
with the Enemy. Contrive my Letter to Colo Dashiell and, if
the Arms I have wrote to him about, can be got ready, you
will put Part into each Galley and bring them to Annapolis.
Particular Care, especially to keep them Dry, must be taken
of them. They are packed in 40 Boxes. Advise of your
Situation by every Opportunity and, if your Stay should be
any Time and no Opportunity offers send an Express.
We are &ca
[Council to Capt. Cook.]
Annapolis 22d Novr 1777.
General Orders.
The Row Gallies Conqueror, Baltimore & Independence,
under the Command of Capt Cook, of the Defence, are to
proceed from hence to the Sound on the Eastern Shore and
there act in Concert against the Enemy now infesting those
Parts of the State. If the Enemy removes from thence, the
Conqueror and Independence are to return to Annapolis, and
the Baltimore is to continue there for the Safeguard and Pro-
tection of that Part of the State, 'til further Orders.
All Officers to bear Rank and Command according to their
Commissions and their Dates or the Times noted thereon of
their coming into the Service of the State.
Nothing being so essential to the Success of an Enterprize
and the Safety of the whole, as a due and ready Obedience to
Command, it is expected that every Officer will be careful in
that Particular, and if it should happen that any Difficulty
should arise about Rank, it must not grow into a Difference,
as all Pretensions will be heard with Patience and decided
with Justice.
Cap' George Cook.
C. C.