pounds twelve shillings and six pence for retained Rations &c.
due to the Company of Militia lately commanded by Capt.
Cox Amount of Account signed by the Dep. Commissary of
Issues and approved by the House of Delegates.
That the said Treasurer pay to Nichs White two hundred
& fifty pounds on Accot advanced him on his Contract to
make Arms.
Nicholas White agrees with the Governor and Council to
make and compleatly finish two hundred Stand of Arms in a
Workmanlike manner at the rate of Fifty shillings currency
for each Stand the Governor and Council supplying the said
Nicholas White with Barrels Locks, Bayonets, Mounting, steel
for Rammers and Iron for Britching, at the rate of Forty eight
stand per month till the Delivery of the whole number con-
tracted for and have also advanced two hundred and fifty
Pounds part of the Price on giving Bond with good Security
to comply with this Contract.
Majr Nat. Smith, You are to inlist 66 of the Matrosses in
Baltimore including non commissioned Officers, into the Con-
tinental Service agreeable to the Resolution of the General
Assembly paying them twenty Dollars each the Continental
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt
Thomas Walker two hundred and thirteen Pounds ten Shill-
ings and nine pence per Account passed the Board
That the said Treasurer pay to Allen Quynn Twenty two
Pounds, Ten shillings Amount of Account passed the Board.
That the said Treasurer pay to Allen Quynn five Pounds
three shillings and six pence for the use of Thomas Snowden
per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Allen Quynn Thirty Pounds
for the use of William Whetcroft due him per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Matthews twenty
eight Pounds seventeen shillings and six pence to pay for 33
Gallons of Whiskey bought by him for the Galley Independ-
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt Matthews four hun-
dred and twenty nine Pounds, nine shillings and Ten pence
due on Account including the Pay roll of the Galley Inde-
pendence passed by the Board of Accounts.