That the said Treasurer pay to Edward Timmons one
pound one shilling, thirteen shillings and six pence, four
pounds six shillings and three pence due per Accounts passed
and the further Sum of four pounds for a Musquet and
Bayonet bought of him for the Public by John Shaws receipt.
That the said Treasurer pay to Lieut William Judah four
hundred and fifty nine pounds fourteen shillings and six per
Acct passed, so ends the Proceeding of this Council Anno
Domini 1777.
Test T Johnson Junr Cl Col
C. B.
[Smallwood to Gov. Johnson.]
Camp White Marsh Novembr 8th 1777.
Dear Sir.
I have inclosed you Returns off, and Rects for such Arms
Accoutrements Camp Equipage &c, as were in possession of
all the Regiments of the Western Shore Brigade of Militia
(except Colo Dorseys which were before transmitted) at the
Time of their respective Discharges, & Rects from Officers
detatched to take charge of such Arms & Accoutrements &c
as have been left by Deserters, and lodged at several Stages,
in order that they might be secured and Returned to the
State; I have directed Colo Gist to observe a similar conduct
respecting the Eastern Shore Brigade, have also inclosed
the charge against James Hall the Prisoner with £27 3 o
Jersey Accts which I take to be conterfeit together with Intelli-
gence relative to the conduct of some of our Country men on
Board the British Fleet, which I received from a Gentleman
immediately from thence.
Having now but 400 Militia from both Shores, I joined my
Regular Brigade the other Day. their ragged situation, the
approching season, & the improbality of procuring supplies of
Cloathing, produced sensations that must affect any Person of
Humanity, this led me to address Genl Washington on the
Subject, who must feel much for the Distress which generally
prevails in the Army for want of Blankets & Cloathing &
must also be very sensible of the check and Abatement in the
Progress of our Military Operations from this Circumstance ;
he refers me to you, has wrote himself and detatched Lt Colo
P. Adams for this purpose with a Supply of Cash & Instruc-
tions to purchase from Private Families all he possibly can —
being conscious your Countenance and Aid on this Occasion
will not be wanting, I have inclosed a general Return of such
Articles as are wanted in the several Maryland Cont Regi-
ments, and am rendering a similar one to the Delaware State,
that their Regiment now under my Command may also be
C. C.