That the western shore Treasurer pay to John Cox one
thousand pounds for the use of Norton and Beall as per their
Letter of advice of the 16th Day of October last to be charged
to their Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to William Wilkins three
hundred pounds on account of the Fortifications at Annapolis.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Wilmoth fifty seven
pounds amount of Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to William Adams nine pounds
amount of Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Proctor forty four
pounds eighteen shillings amount of Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Doct. Charles Wiesenthal
thirty five pounds twelve shillings and six pence for oil pur-
chased by him for the State.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores at Annapolis
deliver one hundred and fifty yards Cotton for the Ship
John Gerrock of Baltimore Town is appointed Quarter
Master to the State Hospital in said Town instead of John
Hart present Qr Master thereof.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Colo
John Moale five hundred and twenty six pounds four shillings
and two pence due his Regiment whilst in actual Service per
Acct passed