five pence half penny to be delivered over to George Wells
due him per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Colo John Weems four hun-
dred and eight pounds nine shillings and five pence due his
Battalion per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Muir one hundred and
three pounds three shillings and sixpence to be delivered
over to Capt. Joseph Merriken due his Company per Accot
Wednesday 22d October 1777.
Present as on yesterday. Mr Polk attended.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Andrew
Beall seven hundred and eighty pounds for sixty five Cattle.
That the said Treasurer pay to Gerrard Hopkins twenty
nine pounds seven shillings and two pence, per Account
That the said Treasurer pay to Morris Job one hundred
and eighty pounds to be delivered to Richard Bond of Cecil
County on Account
That the said Treasurer pay to William Johnson sixty six
pounds thirteen shillings and nine pence and the further sum
of five pounds two shillings and six pence per Accots passed
That the said Treasurer pay to Cornelius Garretson thirty
eight pounds and six pence per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to Major Stoddart four hun-
dred pounds on Account of the marching Militia
Commissions issued to Henry Boarman appd Capt Isaac
Smoot Ensign Hezekiah Dent first Lieut of Capt Alex
McPhersons Compy Thomas Andrew Dyson Brevet 2d Lt of
the Lower Batt. of Militia in Charles County.
C. B.
[Council to H. Hollingsworth.]
In Council 22d Octr 1777.
By this Opportunity, we have wrote pretty fully to Colo
Rumsey and shall endeavour to furnish the two Classes of the
Cecil Militia as far as we can, and to prevent Delay shall send
the Arms &ca to the Head of Elk. We do not believe it is in
our Power to fit out more than two Classes of your Militia in
any Manner, and, as the Assembly is now about Sitting, we
do not think we can order out more, with Propriety. The
Pay of the Militia we expect is drawn at Camp, but if not, on
having the Pay Rolls transmitted, the Money shall be imme-
diately sent. We are Sir &ca
Colo Henry Hollingsworth.
C. C.