That the said Treasurer pay to Henry McBryde one hun-
dred and fifty pounds to be delivered over to Doctr Hall on
Account for Sick Militia in Cecil County under his Care.
That the said Treasurer pay to Williams Sears seven
pounds ten shillings for a Musquet and Bayonet.
That the said Treasurer pay to Stephen Steward fifteen
hundred pounds on Account
Commissions issued to Nicholas Maccubbin appointed
Capt. John Brice first Lieut. Samuel Harvey Howard second
Lieutenant John Davidson third Lieut. Benjamin Harwood
Captain Charles Wallace Howard first Lieut. Gilbert Mid-
dleton second Lieut. and John Callahan third Lieut. of the
Independent Companies of Militia in Annapolis.
Tuesday 7th October 1777.
Present as on yesterday.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Samuel
Merverick eleven Pounds five shillings a South Carolina
Officer taken Prisoner and redeemed to carry him Home on
his Bill for that Sum on the South Carolina Delegates.
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Ball seven pounds
seventeen shillings and six pence per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to William Goldsmith twenty
four pounds six shillings per Account passed.
That the said Treasurer pay to James Taylor four pounds
nineteen shillings and three pence and the further sum of six
pounds eighteen shillings and nine pence per Accounts
Commissions issued to Francis Deakins appointed Colo
Eneas Campbell Lieut Colo Solomon Simpson Major and
William Blackmore Capt. of the Upper Batt in Montgomery
County. William Robinson Capt. in the Middle Batt. Mont-
gomery County
Wednesday 8th October 1777.
Present as on Yesterday.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores deliver to William
Jacob Canvas to make into Sails for the Chester Galley.
That Messrs Lux and Bowley furnish Cordage and Rigging
for the Chester Galley.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Jesse
Hollingsworth one thousand pounds on Account.
That the said Treasurer pay to William Jacob sixty two
pounds eight shillings and six pence per Account passed