Thursday 25th September 1777
Ordered That the western S. Treasurer pay to Chs Beatty
Esqr eight hundred pound on Acct to pay for Beef Cattle pur-
chased for the Militia.
Ordered that the Armourer deliver Mr Winters the Mus-
quet Barrels made by Mr Bond, locks sufficient for the Barrels
and what mounting he has belonging to the Public.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Capt.
John Hawkins Lowe Twenty pounds to be charged to the 3d
That the said Treasurer pay to Capt. John Davidson fifty
five pounds to be charged to Colo Prices Regiment & to be
accounted for
Monday 29th September 1777 Annapolis.
Ordered, That the western shore Treasurer pay to Jenifer
and Hooe two thousand six hundred and sixty two pounds
four shillings per Account passed.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Charles
Beatty Esqr three hundred and fifty pounds to be delivered
over to Benjamin Johnson on Acct to pay the Guard.
Tuesday 30 September 1777.
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Elisha
Winters six hundred and seventy one pounds seventeen shil-
lings and six pence per Acct passed.