C. C.
[Council to Col. Tyler.]
In Council Baltimore 19thSeptr 1777.
It is probable that we may, in a few Days, order the Pris-
oners who are at Queen Ann, to Annapolis; therefore we
would have you suspend the Execution of the former Order,
for their Removal to Frederick, but we hope that the little
Time they stay at Queen Ann, there will be more Attention ;
for the frequent Escapes of Prisoners, is a strong Encour-
agemt to the Disaffected to hazard Imprisonment by their
Conduct. We are &ca
Colo Tyler Prince George's
[Council to Sheriffs.]
In Council Baltimore 19th Septr 1777
As the Minds of the People are much ingrossed by the
interesting Crisis of our Affairs, they possibly may not advert
to the Inconveniences which would follow from our periodical
Elections not being held the first Monday of next Month, agree-
able to our Constitution and Form of Government. We
therefore request you to give the most public and general
Notice you can, of the Time of holding the Election for Dele-
gates in Assembly, that those who are entitled to vote and
can may attend. We are &ca
Sheriffs of the different Counties.