and I have sent up to have him Apprehended should be glad
to have your opinion of the matter
I am Dr Sr Yr Humb. Servt
Augt 29th 1777 Aquila Hall
P. S. I have gott a little better than I was and on this day
Informed that a scheme is laid to catch me and destroy my
property and am not able to prevent it. As Provision is very
high I know not how to Act but have given several persons
orders to Supply, but beef, best 12s at some places if you would
Appoint some person as Commissary or give me orders to
Appoint and let me know how they must act and likewise
Supply money I want to know What every person is or
allowed of provision &c. H.
C. C.
[Jesse Hollingsworth to Gov. Johnson.]
August 29th 4 P. M.
I take this Opportunity to acquaint you that I am now 4
miles North of the Enemy's Camp on the high lands above
the Head of Elk. They took possession of Grays Hill 2 miles
East of the Head of Elk, yesterday, and have not advanced to
day. Their Drums beat & a Gun was fired at Elk Point House
before Day, so that I suppose their second Division to have
started then from Elk ferry. Little more has happend this
day. My Brother Hy had a small Skirmish at Gilpins Bridge
yesterday & was slightly wounded in the Cheek
The van of our Army are at Cooch's Mill part of the main
Body on the High lands between Newport & Christeen, the
Rest at Wilmington. We have several Deserters, & near 100
Prisoners taken by our light Horse in Scouting Parties
These are the most material Particulars I could collect from
good Authority, just meeting with some of the Independent
Compy returning, I refer you for particulars to them.
I am Sir
Your most obedt Servt
Jesse Hollingsworth