Exigency be serviceable not having brought them in from an
Apprehension as it is said that the Public would not be
obliged in case of their Loss to pay the value of them, this
Board considering the Justice of making good the Loss that
may happen to Individuals in the public Service desire that
the Lieutenants and other Officers of the Militia make known
to the Militia in general and others that in Case any person
carries his Arms into the Service or lends them to any of the
Militia who marches, the public will pay the Value of such
Arms to be ascertained by the Capt. of the Company in which
the same shall be carried in Case of Loss.
Ordered That Ingleheart Yeiser deliver the Beef rations to
the Marching Militia at one Shilling p lb. and Charles Gartzs
Commissary deliver the Salt rations, bread & Salt to the same
Commissions Issued to Charles Hammond son Jno appd
Capt Basil Burgess first Lieut. John Ray Ensign in Capt John
Burgesse's Compy Nicholas Ridgely second Lieut. George
Geoghan Ensign to Capt Richd Stringers Comy Henry Grif-
fith first Lieut Henry Ayton second Lieut in Capt Benjamin
Warfield's Compy Nicholas Watkins first Lieut James Haward
second Lieut. Basil Israel Ensign in Capt John Dorseys Compy
and Charles Fox second Lieut in Capt Ellicotts Compy of
Militia belonging to the Twenty second Battalion in Ann
Arundel County.