[Gov. Johnson to I. Craycraft.]
Annapolis Augt 23d 1777.
I have directed Ignatius Craycraft of St Mary's County to
purchase a Number of Black Cattle for the Public Use, they
will be wanted for the Support of the Militia who is to march.
Our Treasury now being removed I cannot supply him with
Cash, but what he purchases shall be honestly paid for.
Mr Ignatius Craycraft.
You are to purchase what Beef Cattle you can in St Marys
County and on the Way for the Use of the Militia which is
embodying to reinforce General Washington. As you pur-
chase on the Water Side, have them drove into the Country,
and when you get a good clever Drove, send them along the
Elk Ridge Landing, so that you may avoid the Rivers. You
will hire careful Drivers who will not hurry the Cattle, keep
an exact Account of the Cost and all Expences & advise me
from Time to Time of your Success, that I may as soon as our
Treasury is opened, send you Money and may know how far
I can depend on these Cattle as Provision you cannot get too
many at moderate Prices.
Mr Ignatius Craycraft