Friday 15th August 1777.
Present as on yesterday
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer Pay to William
Hayes, fifty seven pounds, six shillings and seven Pence on
Acct passed the Bd
That the said Treasurer Pay to Thomas Walker Ninty
Pounds due him as Capt: of the Galley Baltimore from 25
Decr to 25 May pr Acct passed.
It appearing that Basil Shaw who was inlisted into Colo
Prices Regiment by Thomas Beall, is incapable of Service and
was so at the Time of his inlistment he is discharged.
Vide Deposition & Papers relating to the above B. Shaw.
Saturday 16th August 1777.
Present as on yesterday
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer pay to Thos
Walker one Thousand Pounds to be delivered over to Jesse
Hollingsworth on Acct & charged to him.
That the said Treasurer Pay to Alexander Gordon Nine
Pounds, three shillings & four Pence Amt of Acct passed
That the said Treasurer Pay to Patrick OBryon fifteen
Pounds Amot of Accot passed.
That the said Treasurer Pay to Benjamin Galloway five hun-
dred Pounds to be delivered over to Messrs Beatty, Hanson
and Johnson Superintendants of the Gunlock Manufactory
on Acct
Ordered That the western shore Treasurer Pay to Benja-
min Galloway Sixty three Pounds to be delivered over to Mr
Thomas Beatty the Consideration Money agreed on for the
Purchase of five Acres and a Quarter of an Acre of Land on
which to build a Magazine.
Pardon issued to Abraham Berth and sentenced to be burnt
in the Hand