[Council to Baxter.]
Sir. We received your letter of the 3d instant complaining
of some obstructions in the execution of your duty, you have
sent down no proofs or depositions to lay a proper founda-
tion for our proceeding to call any of the persons before us.
We have wrote to General Buchanan to assist you in your
duty if necessary, and we would have you apply to the Com-
mittee for their advice. If the persons who have been fined
by the committee do not pay, you must put the Resolve of
Convention in force by distraining their effects, and if you are
resisted let us have Depositions to prove the fact, and we will
call the Delinquent before us and take order therein.
9th Jany 1777 We are &c.
Mr. Samuel Baxter.
No. 95.
[Council to Baltimore Committee.]
Gent. We have heretofore wrote you about the proceed-
ings of the Whig Club in Baltimore. The power they assume
of sending persons into Banishment without any cause assigned
is expressly contrary to the twenty fifth section of the Decla-
ration of Rights, to which we beg leave to refer you.
Captain Galbraith has complained to us that one of his men
who is regularly inrolled and otherwise well behaved, has been
ordered to leave the town; we request you would enquire
into the affair and let us know what proceeding has been had
on the occasion, and what foundation there was for it. We
intend not to countenance Tories or disaffected persons, but
we wish the peace of the State to be preserved, and that all
offenders should be punished according to the law of the land.
And we again recommend to you, Gentlemen of the Com-
mittee, to discountenance such arbitrary and extrajudicial pro-
ceedings. We are &c.
Committee of observ. for
Baltimore County.
No. 96.