Wednesday January 1, 1777
Council met. Present as yesterday.
Copy of Letter No 78 was sent to Col. John Murdock and
Copy of No 79 to Brigadier General Chamberlaine, and John
Hanson junior Esquire respectively.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Nicholas
Thomas Esquire for the use of John Harris seven Pounds ten
That the said Treasurer pay to John Mcfadon seventy five
Pounds and ten Pence: that the said Treasurer pay to the
said John Mcfadon the further Sum of One hundred and fifty
That the said Treasurer pay to Doctr James Murray ten
Pounds two Shillings.
That the said Treasurer pay to Philip Key ninety four
Pounds eleven shillings and nine Pence.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Hall Esquire Trustee
to Thomas Rutland fifty three Pounds and ten Pence.
Commission issued to Thomas Walker appointed Com-
mander of the Ship or Galley called the Baltimore.
Commissions issued to William Brown appointed Captain,
William Campbell first Lieutenant, and Abraham Berthaud
second Lieutenant of a Company of Matrosses in the City of
Adjourned till next Day 10 O'Clock.
C. S. J.
[Council to Murdock.]
January Ist 1777
Sir, We received your's of the 28th of December but know
not how to give any certain answer, Congress having made
no written requisition to us relative to the militia, nor have
they in any manner explained to us the destination of those
Troops. The militia are to move forward on the requisition
of the Honourable Congress; and no question if you apply to
them, or to your Brigadier but they will inform you of every
thing necessary or proper to be known. We are sorry to
find the militia so very backward, perhaps the news of the
victory lately obtained (a narrative of which you will find
inclosed in the inclosed hand-bill) may serve as a spur to the
C. S. C.
No. 78.