[Council to Lowndes.]
January 8th 1777.
Sir. We shall be obliged by your pushing forward the
Cordage Manufactory as fast as you possibly can, and you
may depend upon every necessary assistance that you may
stand in need of from our Board. We are, &c
To Mr. Christopher Lowndes.
C. S. C.
No. 91.
[Samuel Chase to Council.]
Gentlemen. Wednesday Morning
We remain in the most anxious suspense, Some important
event has taken place, but we are unable to inform the par-
The enclosed is a copy of a letter from the Committee of
Congress to Mr Hancock. I have no leave to make it public.
I send it to give you all the intelligence in my power, it may
be shewn but not printed. Our State is still unrepresented
and every day matters of the greatest importance are debated
and determined in congress.
I am afraid our recruiting service will be greatly injured
unless satisfaction be given to the officers. I believe many
reasons will occur to convene the General Assembly as soon
as possible. Many reports from Somerset County cause
uneasiness here, and if true, demand speedy and vigorous
I have just heard of this Conveyance and drop this line
from Grants Tavern. I am, Gentlemen, with Respect,
Your obedient Servant
Saml Chase
The Honble The Council of Safety of Maryland