C. C.
Capt Walker's may well accommodate the Men and save the
Expence of Board, every possible saving is necessary. Mr
Piercy tells us two of the People have the Small Pox and that
a good many are to have it. We think it would be well to
innoculate such as have not had the small Pox immediately.
Capt John David We are &ca
[Council to M. Hillegas.]
In Council Annapolis 28th May 1777.
We have received the Resolution of Congress impowering
us to appoint Superintendants of the Press, but were not
informed of the Necessity of a new Appointment, 'till by Mr
Calhoun, who mentioned it to the Governor in Frederick Town
last week, but he could not tell who, except Mr McKubin
would probably act, and promised, if he should be able, on
his Return to Baltimore, to mention Gentlemen of Character
who would attend that Service, he would do so by Line. We
inclose an Appointment, too much by Guess. If any of them
will not undertake the Business or should grow tired, we shall
be obliged to you to enquire and advise us who may, with
Propriety, be put in the stead of such.
The Congress have said nothing further to us relative to
the Qualification of the Superintendants, than what is con-
tained in the Resolution itself; we imagine the Oath being
taken before a Magistrate and in your Presence, and so certi-
fied and transmitted by you to Congress and a Duplicate to
us, will be fully Satisfactory and therefore we recommend it.
Michael Hillegas Esqr We are &ca
[Council to Major Fulford.]
In Council Annapolis 28th May 1777.
Major Fulford.
There is too good Ground to suspect that an Intercourse is
carried on between the Disaffected amongst us and those of
the same Character to the Southward & Northward of us.
The Public Safety requires our Vigilance. We are informed
that Mr William Brown and Mr James Anderson are about to
set out for Philadelphia; you are to go to Bush Town, and
there search for all Papers and Letters they may have with
them, and if you find any Papers, conveying Intelligence, bring
the Papers and Persons before us. We have called on you
for this Service, under a Confidence that you will use Mr
Brown & Mr Anderson genteely, but will not be diverted from
a proper Enquiry. You may, if you think proper, take an
Officer with you. We are &ca
Majr Fulford.