May 13th 1777.
Present the same Members as on yesterday.
Daniel Beall appointed Sheriff of Washington County and
Commission issued.
Ordered, That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Thomas
Beatty fifty six pounds, fifteen shillings & six Pence for Amt
of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to John Bear twenty pounds,
two shillings, and six Pence, for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to James Carr sixteen pounds,
two shillings and six Pence for Amt of Acet
That the said Treasurer pay to Wm Goldsmith twenty six
Pounds, eight shillings and six Pence for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Clerk fifty Pounds, for
Expresses &c:
That the said Treasurer pay to George Gordon four Pounds,
for a Gun.
That the said Treasurer pay to John Bullen one hundred
and fifty pounds, on Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Wm Adams thirteen pounds
for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to James Morgan sixty four
Pounds, five shillings and nine Pence for Amt of Acct
Saint George Peale Esquire having produced to the Gov-
ernor & Council his Bond duly executed, for the Performance
of the Office of Register of the Land Office of the Western
Shore. It was ordered that the follg Certificate be directed to
the Clerk of the General Court office on the Western Shore.
The within Bond was executed, and the due Execution thereof
proved in Council this day, and you are hereby ordered to
enter the said Bond with the Indorsements in the General
Court Land Records immediately and after such Entry upon
Record you are immediately to lodge the original Bond with
the Clerk of the Council in the Council Office, who is hereby
required to take charge of the same.
Ordered, That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Beriah
Maybury twenty six Pounds, nine shillings and three pence,
for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Thomas Price two hundred
and four Pounds, fifteen shillings for Amt of Acct
That the said Treasurer pay to Wm Nevin & Compy thirty
eight Pounds, four shillings & nine Pence, for Amt of Acct
Such of the Collectors of Blankets, as have not made
returns agreeable to the late Act of Assembly, and there are
many such, are desired forthwith to send such as they may
have collected to the Receivers according to their Commis-
sions, as the public Service may not be impeded.
C. B.