C. C.
ciency of Cordage or Hands for the first three. The fitting
out of the Gallies, is an Object of the first attention with us,
will be prosecuted as such, and as soon as any of them are fit,
they will be ordered below, where we shall be glad to hear
some of yours are ready to act in Concert with them. The
Removal of the Stock, agreeable to the Recommendation of
Congress, appeared to our Assembly impracticable. An
Officer of ours, one Mr Courts, who was taken at Long Island
and lately exchanged, informs me that it was said in New
York a Little before he came from thence, that Genl Burgoyne
had arrived in Chesapeake with 10000 Troops; This I look
on as a Confirmation, in some Measure, of our Former Intelli-
gence, that the Enemy design to send Genl Burgoyne with
that Force against us; if it takes Place, we shall chearfully
render every Assistance in our Power, and expect the Aid of
our Neighbours, as Circumstances may make necessary.
Nothing further occurs to me, at present, if there should, I
shall frankly communicate, and hope to be favoured from
Time to Time, with your Sentiments on this or any other
Subject, in which both States are interested
I am Sir with very great Respect & Esteem,
Yr most obedt humble Servt
Governor Henry.
[Council to Col. Richardson.]
In Council Annapolis 24th Apl 1777.
We have inclosed you the Resolutions of Congress of the
19th Inst. received yesterday; you will Mention only such
Part of them as is proper to be generally known. Some Part
of each of the Maryland Battalions, has already marched to
Philadelphia, and from the Information we have received, we
are induced to think yours is as weak as either of them. We
are not now sorry that it has happened so, as there are many
Reasons which make it desirable you should command the
Force designed to cover the Eastern Shore. We have there-
fore according to the Power given us by Congress, appointed
your Battalion for this Service, and desire you will immedi-
ately give Orders for such of them as have marched to return,
and appoint the general Rendezvous of your Battalion at
Cambridge. We are very desirous of seeing you here, as
soon as it may be safe to you, to settle the Plan of embody-
ing the 300 Militia, and providing Tents, Subsistance &ca for
the whole, as well as the Spot for Encamping. We also
inclose you a Copy of Part of a Letter from Mr Morris, from
which, we expect some Arms are at Dover for us, pray send