226 Journal and Correspondence
C. C.
the Liberty of inlisting Servants, not having more than 18
Months to serve and valued under £10, and Apprentices to
inlist; I shall, as soon as it can well be done, convene the
Assembly, and lay the Resolutions of Congress which I
received yesterday in your Letter of the Inst, before them.
Presuming the Congress were much engaged about Business
of greater Moment, I recommended to the Assembly to
appoint Commissioners to state the Accts of the Militia who
went with me to the Jerseys last Jany, and, to prevent any Dis-
content, from their not soon receiving their Pay, to enable our
Treasury to advance the Money. The Assembly passed the
Resolution inclosed, and, in Consequence of it, I appointed
John Hanson Junr William Deakins & Samuell Beall, to audit
and settle the Accts, they are I expect, now on that Work, and
I should be glad that Congress would Order Money for the
Payment, subject to what Restrictions they may think Proper.
I am Sir
His Excelly John Hancock Esqr most respectfully
Presidt of the Congress Your obedt Servt
C. B.
April 24th 1777.
Present Edward Lloyd, Joseph Sim and Thomas Sim Lee
Ordered, That Henry Hollingsworth deliver to Robert Reid
of Chester Town one hundred and fifty Gun Barrels, provided
he has a sufficiency, wherewith to supply the other Works.
Benjamin King appointed Captain of the armed Boat called
The Plater, and the Governor & Council agree to allow him
eleven Pounds p month for his Services, as Captain thereof.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Robert
Cummins fifteen hundred Pounds, to be accounted for.
C. C.
[Council to Capt. Nicholson.]
In Council Annapolis 24th Apl 1777.
We have received repeated Accounts of your having
impressed and detained a Number of Seafaring Men and
others who either resided in, or were occasionally at Baltimore
Town, and that, besides the Wrong to the Individuals, its
Consequences have been injurious to the Town, in deterring
People from going to Market there, for fear of being treated
in the same Manner. We do not know that you can have any
Authority, under which to justify such Violence, or to inter-
fere in any Manner with any person who has not voluntarily