At a meeting of the Council of the State of Maryland, at
the City of Annapolis, on Thursday the twentieth Day of
March, in the year of our Lord one thousand, seven hundred
and seventy seven
Were present
His Excellency Thomas Johnson Esquire Governor
The Honble Josiah Polk
John Rogers & Esquires, Councellors
Edwd Lloyd
They having been first duly qualified in the Senate Room
in Presence of both Houses of the General Assembly
March 22d 1777.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to Stephen
Steward two thousand pounds, on Account.
Ordered, That the said Treasurer pay to Captain Samuel
Godman one hundred pounds, on Account.
Ordered That the Commissary of Stores at Baltimore Town
deliver to Captn Godman twenty five Musquets, Bayonets,
Slings, Priming Wires and Brushes, and seventy two Knap
with Havresacks.
Lib. C. B.
[Council to Robt. Smith.]
Sir. In Council March 22d 1777.
It being necessary for conducting the Public Business, that
the Governor and Council should be possessed of the Great
Seal of Maryland which, they are informed, is in your Hands;
you are requested to deliver it, together with the Vice, to Mr
Ridgely, who waits upon you for that Purpose.
We are Sir &c.
To Mr Robert Smith.
Lib. C. C.