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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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of the Council of Safety, 1777. 175

ordered their vessels that is loading here with tobacco for
France to Ballas with Stone owing to the high price of iron

we have recd our directions this day on that account. Mr
Snowden would not sell till Tuesday till he sees his brother
when I am to have his answer about the iron I saw one of
the brothers. Capt Kilty waits your answer and my direc-
tions about this matter. Mr Omensetter says one Mr Payton
of Virginia took the goods before he got down, he has wrote
you about it. from your humble servant
Jesse Hollingsworth
To the Honble The Council of Safety of Md

C. S. C.

[Smallwood to Jenifer.]

Sir. Snow Hill March 14th 1777.
I have waited sometime in expectation of receiving an
Answer to my Ltr of the 3d Inst and of being favor'd with the
commands of the general Assembly respecting any further
Operations or Measures which might be thought expedient to
be adopted, the better to Protect the Whigs, and secure the
Tories of these two Counties; for I am better satisfied than
when I wrote before, that the Proclamation will not have the
desired Effect, nor indeed wou'd any measures avail here,
unless Similar shou'd be adopted in the Delaware State, such
is their Confidence in each other, from their communication,
and Vicinity, and from their particular situation and Inter-
course with the British Navy, that unless this Intercourse, and
the Principle and Spirit of Disaffection can generally be
removed, the purpose by an Attempt in any particular Part
will not I doubt be effected. I am daily discovering Persons
who are not only more disaffected, but whose conduct has
been more Criminal & from their Influence have injured the
comdn cause much beyond what has been in the power of
many of the Excepted Persons; yet I've the strongest assur-
ances that such without altering their Principles will avail
themselves of the Benefit of the Proclamation, & will view it
in no other light than as a compulsory Act (which some
already have insinuated) whilst others more conscientious,
cannot renounce their beloved King, and therefore several
already have absolutely refused to take the oath of Allegiance
to this State. What have you to expect from those who have
cut down Liberty Poles, and in direct opposition thereto, have
erected the Kings Standard, & in an avowed manner drank
his Health and Success, & destruction to Congress and Con-
ventions, of those who have advised and actually signed
General Howe's Proclamation of Militia Officers who have
embodied with & headed the Insurgents, Of Persons under


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Journal and Correspondence of the Maryland Council of Safety, January 1-March 20, 1777
Volume 16, Page 175   View pdf image (33K)
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