Regiment. The Bearer hereof Mr Hezekiah Reeder is a
young Gentn of family & fortune of this County, and is
desirous of serving his Country, I therefore beg leave to
recommend him as a fit person & shall be very glad you would
appoint him my 2nd Lieutenant. I have not enlisted more
than 19 men yet, as I have not heard from my ensign, cant
tell what success he has met with the small pox being so rife
at present that it greatly retards the recruiting service here.
Mr Jones & myself are now in it, but hope we shall be able to
get about again in eight or nine days: I received from Major
Sam Smith 750 Dollars for part of the Bounty money, please
to send by Mr Reeder the Ballance also some printed inlist-
ments. I am Sir Your most Hble Servant,
Jos. Marbury.
To Colonel Mordeca Gist or Colo Nathl Ramsay.
I Chearfully acquiese in the recommendation of Captn Mar-
bury and request that Mr Reeder may have the Commission
which Mr Garner formerly held: I am &c.
Baltimore 14th 1777. Nathl Ramsay