[George Cook to Smith.]
On Board the Defence March 10th 1777
Sir. Last Saturday was solicited by Capt Jervis & Bolton,
Mr Lions a mate & a foremastman all prisoners taken by the
ship Defence of the state to obtain leave on parole, to be
exchanged at New York. I have advised with several gen-
tlemen on this head, particularly with Mr William Lux and
yourself who all agree with me in the justice of letting them
go on parole to be exchanged for some of those prisoners
belonging to this state now at New York, And taken in one
of the prizes that the ship. I by no means would have ven-
tured to have given them a parole without particularly laying
it before the General Assembly and getting their approbation
for it, would time have permitted, this day I am informed
that several persons belonging to the United States are to set
out under the care of Lieut Matthewman to Philadelphia (of
those states) who is to endeavour to effect an exchange for
himself and others. I have enclosed you a copy of the paroles
given, and their acknowledgement to us which I hope will be
I am sir yr most Hble Servt George Cook.
To John Smith Esqr Annapolis :
[Parole of James Scott.J
Baltimore March 10th 1777
I do hereby pledge my Honr to George Cook Esqr com-
mand of the ship of War Defence of Maryland that I will
(after having obtained leave of Congress) proceed to New
York, and there endeavour to be exchanged for Dennis Larkin
formerly belonging to said ship and that in case such
exchange cannot be effected that I will immediately return to
this place to be disposed of as the Legislative power in the
state of Maryland shall direct: James Scott :
This is to Certify that James Scott of the Snow Georgea,
was taken by the Ship of War Defence belonging to the State
of Maryland the 5th day of October 1776 that the said James
Scott do pass unmolested from this to Philadelphia and no
farther without leave from the Honl Congress given on board
the ship Defence the 10th day of March 1777.
George Cook.
P. S. The above named Jas. Scott was in the merchant
service and is sent on his parole of Honr Geo. Cook.
James Scott for Dennis Larkin, Capt Thos Bolton for Wm
Carter Henry Jervis for Jas Cadery, Wm Lions for Alexr Stan-
ton, Doctr Jno Lebessues for one of Equal rank.