[Council to Capt. Cook.]
Sir. February 22d 1777
We are in great want of 6 four pounders to fit out a Galley
immediately for a particular expedition down the Bay we
should be obliged to you to let Mr Steward have them and you
may depend upon their being returned before the Defence
can be ready to proceed on a cruize We are &c
[G. L. Gibson to Council.]
The Honble The Council of Safety. 22nd February 1777.
Gentlemen. Captain Patterson for whom I went appear-
ance Bail to your House, has applied for my approbation to
be employed by you in the public service. I have not the
least objection to his going, provided in case of accident, he
should be lost in such service, that I may not be culpable for
his non-appearance, agreable to the bond I have with him
joined in. I am Gentlemen, Your most obedt Servt
G. L. Gibson.