to entreat you to come up as soon as you possibly can. Many
officers are applying for their commissions & some resigning ;
we know not how to move until we see some of the Gentle-
men who were at Camp.
To Thos Contee Esqr We are &c
[C. Johnson to Jenifer.]
Sir. Lower Marlboro Jany 4th 1777.
I have received your favour in Council of Safety and shall
as soon as possible attend the summons, and shall be happy
in affording real service to my distressed countrymen.
Former obligations make it necessary to see all under my
care at present that lay any way between here and your city.
I shall set off from hence in the morning early and hope to
be at Annapolis at night and wait on the Honblec Council the
next morning", to whom please to present my respectful com-
I am Sir, your much obliged servt
C. Johnson.
Daniel of St. Thos Jenifer Esq. President,
of the Honble Council of Safety, Annapolis
[Thomas Johnson, Jr., to Council.]
Frederick Town 4th Jany 1777.
I have had no opportunity since my receipt of your last
letter before this by Colo Price nor did I think it worth while
to send an express. I wish you would be pleased to send
forward one thousand pair of shoes to be lodged at Philadel-
phia subject to my orders with the prices that there may be
no difficulties in settling with the men. I before desired an
order for the arms which were lodged at Philadelphia by the
Maryland Flying Camp militia, but you gave me no answer
as to that point presuming it was your intention they should
be put into the hands of the militia I have ordered they should
take what good arms they could with them and told them
they may expect the deficiency would be supplied out of those
arms, I shall be obliged to you for an order to meet me at
Philadelphia as well as your instructions to the disposition of
them, on my return it is my intention if the people can be
kept together to come back slowly in convenient bodies and
bring the arms with us. Disputes about command will be
destructive of all authority and order. I wished to know
whether I was to command all the Maryland Militia or only