be obliged to the Council of Safety to repay me at this time,
as I am in want of salt, and you'l oblidge.
Your most Humble Servant.
Rich Sprigg.
Mr Howard.
You'll deliver to Mr Sprigg or order the above quantity of
salt. R. Ridgely, Clk.
Feby 10th 1777. To Nicholas Thomas Esq. at Annapolis
[George Cook to Council.]
Honble Gent. Baltimore Feby 10th 1777.
I have agreeable to your order, and consistant with a letter
to me from Mr Chase, sent of my Tender with ten men, Under
the command of Mr Douglass, who will wait on you, for your
farther orders. The Tender is very foull and not in a condi-
tion to crouse. I intended to have her cleand and refitted
this week, had she not been ingaged on this occation. I am,
Honble Gentn your most obedt Humble Servt.
George Cook.
The Honble The Council of Safty of Maryland.
[Andrew Buchanan to Council.]
Gentlement. Baltimore County Feby 10th 1777.
Their are in Harford County over Deer Creek, six compa-
nies of Militia, viz. Captains William Webb, William Morgan,
John Partrick, Jno. Jolley, Alex. Rigdon, and Robt Glen not
yet formed into Battalion. They have had several meetings
in order to recommend the necessary Field officers, but the
consequence has been uproar and contention, and from the
best information I can collect they never will agree. As the
appointment is in the Council of Safety, or Assembly it would
be well to appoint their officers immediately, or make them
independant companies. The following commissions are
wanting in Colo Hall's Battalion, viz for Capt. Jno. Ashmead,
Edw. Bussey, 2nd Lieut. Nathaniel West, Ensign, Mathew
McClintick Ist Lieut, James Walker 2nd Lieut. The eight
Battalion hath had a meeting in order to recommend their
field officers but a quarrel ensued which prevented that busi-
ness being accomplised. In short the militia in my District
had rather battle at home than abroad. I see but little prob-
ability of their marching. Their are a few in several Bat-
talions, that offer themselves but only on condition that the
whole are compel'd, a great majority in each Battalion against
marching so that their is not strength enough in any one to
C. S. C.