1 24 Journal and Correspondence
C. S. J.
That the said Treasurer pay to Elizabeth Sharpe Three
pound two Shillings and Six pence.
Copy of Letter No 146 was sent to General Hooper.
Ordered That the Western Shore Treasurer pay to James
Young ninety four Pounds Twelve Shillings and Ten pence.
That the said Treasurer pay to David Evans Eight Pounds,
Ten Shillings. That the said Treasurer pay to Jane Ball
Seven Pounds Ten Shillings.
Adjourned till next Day 10 oClock.
C. S. C.
No. 146.
[Council to Hooper.]
In Council of Safety Feb. 7, 1777.
Sir. Your letter by Mr Stevens has this day come to hand
and agreeable to your request we have given Mr Stevens an
order on Mr Hindman for £1000 which will be delivered, to
you by him and we suppose will be sufficient for the Service
in which you are now engaged.
We mentioned in a former letter that Col. Richardson
would be a proper person to take the Command, but this
must be understood in case you should not be able to com-
mand in person.
We highly approve of the steps you have taken and wish
you all possible success, at the same time beg leave to sug-
gest the absolute necessity of your taking and securing as
many of the Leaders of these Banditti as you possibly can.
General Smallwood is now here on his way to join you
which we hope will be in a few Days. We are, &c.
General Hooper
[Samuel Chase to Council.]
Gentlemen. Baltimore Town February 7th 1777.
The marine Committee are very desirous, that the tender of
the Defence should be well manned, and under a bold active
prudent officer, sent down with the Troops destined for Som-
erset and Worcester County. Congress will afford every
assistance in their power to prevent any communication
between the Insurgents and the men of war, and any plunder
of our Islands or coasts; it is earnestly wished and expected
that our State will order every vessel they have and can obtain
on the same duty. I shall speak to Capt. Cook about his
No letters from Genl Washington. The post is not yet
arrived. With Respect your obedt Servt
S. Chase.
The Honble The Council of Safety of
Maryland, Annapolis