C. S. C.
comon to pay, they will pay. I have complain'd to Gineral
Buchanan but hee has not dun any thing in it and it cant be
expeted that any won man can manag such a set of toreys.
But if you will order a file of men to asist mee and alow me
to destroy thare afects, and moove them to Baltimore town
for sail, I will doe it at the resk of my life, as they have all
swore they will kill mee if I persist to distres them. I did not
take the warent for the profit but to carey the law into exicu-
tion. If no on wont soport mee in it I will resine and should
have dun it before but was sorey to see a set of toreys trampel
the good law of the country under foot as I am shure thare is
not a man in this setelment but Mr Bengeman meriman and
myself that would doe anything to suport goverment, as they
all are glad to heer of hour conquests and will say they knew
the English would conker, if you are determined to have thes
men destrest I shall be glad to serve you. If not plees to let
mee now, that I may resine my warent.
from your humble servant,
Samuel Baxter.
To The Honirabel Councel of Saftey
[Christopher Lowndes to Jenifer.]
Sir. Bladensburg Jany 3rd 1777.
I am favour'd with yours of the 2nd Inst, in which you desire
to be inform'd if I can furnish eight or ten tons of Cordage
and what the price and time of delivery will be. To these
three questions I can at present answer to one of them only,
it is that I can make the Cordage and perhaps as soon as any
one of the fraternity. The price I cannot set at this time, that
will depend on the price of hemp, and the time of delivery is
uncertain, having little or no hemp by me, and it is seldom
ready for sale before the last of March. I mean the crop of
I have already taken steps for securing twenty thousand
weight, but I do not expect it can be engag'd before the time
above mentioned, when it comes in I can turn of one thou-
sand or twelve hundred pr week, perhaps a greater quantity,
but I chuse to be moderate as experience has told me unfor-
seen disappointments are often presenting themselves to our
view, I cannot now give you a more conclusive answer to
your letter, for I wou'd rather not contract at all than make
an agreement that I had not a certainty of complying with,
if from what I have said, you think there is any probability of
our coming to an agreement, on your favouring me with a
line I will act accordingly and not engage for any more than